Terkadang untuk mengerti sesuatu hal tidak harus dilihat dari dekat, tapi perlu dilihat dari jauh sehingga akan mudah dimengerti apa maksud dari hal tersebut.. :)
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Batal Seminar PKL
Ya Tuhan,, salah apa aku hari ini sial banget.. Aku udah ngerencanain seminar PKL besok jumat 25 Mei 2012, semua persiapan udah fix, dari hal laporan, makanan peserta, materi presentasi, izin dosen pembimbing, sampai ngundang semua anak Kimia ama dosen dosen.. tapi ternyata oh ternyata semua itu batal dalam sekejap hanya karena telepon berdurasi 5 menit dari dosen pembimbing PKL aku.. Beliau bilang besok beliau ada rapat fakultas.. beliau juga masi pengen belajar dan mengingat tata cara penulisan laporan yang baik.. maksudnya apaaaaaa???????????
Setelah sekian lama laporan aku udah di acc dan udah dijilid, sekarang mau di revisi lagi dan memulai semuanya dari awal saat waktu seminar udah tiba.. ya Tuhan.. aku cuma bisa mengelus dada aja lah.. tadi beliau sms juga kalo aku gak bisa seminar bersamaan teman seminar aku yang awal sudah ditentukan karena aku ditolak sama dosen pembimbing temen aku itu, karena kalau seminar bertiga gak efisien.. Dan aku harus seminar dengan anak PKL lain yang punya materi sama kayak aku.. sedangkan dosen pembimbing anak PKL yang punya materi sama dengan aku itu gak setuju kalo aku ikut nimbrung seminar bareng anak bimbingannya.. ya Tuhan kenapa aku ditolak dimana-mana.. Ngebatalin seminar PKL yang udah matang gini ibarat ngebatalin beli gorengan.. gampang banget bilang kalo seminar di tunda sampai waktu yang tak ditentukan.. :'(
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Totally Boring
Today is the most bored day.. why?? because the subjects at campus so boring.. First subject in the morning is Technology Informatic.. The lecture is so boring.. He talked about blogging and bla bla bla without interaction with his students.. of course nobody in the class listen to him and so did I.. this subject also remind me to my ex.. because he love that subject so much.. :(
The second subject is Analysis Industrial.. In the schedule that subject supposed start at 12.30 pm.. but lecture come to class at 1.12 pm.. I hate waiting.. :( Lecture just stay in the class for half hour and then class dismissed.. :( what the....
At 5.00 pm I have to back to campus for meeting my lecture then talk about my PKL seminar.. I've already at campus at 4.30 pm because my lecture have a class until 5.00 pm. but,, the class is over after 5.00 pm.. so bored in waiting..
The second subject is Analysis Industrial.. In the schedule that subject supposed start at 12.30 pm.. but lecture come to class at 1.12 pm.. I hate waiting.. :( Lecture just stay in the class for half hour and then class dismissed.. :( what the....
At 5.00 pm I have to back to campus for meeting my lecture then talk about my PKL seminar.. I've already at campus at 4.30 pm because my lecture have a class until 5.00 pm. but,, the class is over after 5.00 pm.. so bored in waiting..
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Papaya pa papaya muda
Bangun pagi langsung bergegas cuci muka gosok gigi cabut ke pasar Damar.. aku ke pasar damar bareng temen temen kost. Pasar damar itu pasar yang ngejual baju baju bekas.. tadi sempet beli beberapa baju disana.. biarpun itu barang bekas tapi kualitas tetep oke kok.. asal pinter pinter milih barang nya aja.. :)
Habis dari keliling keliling pasar damar lamaaa banget aku lanjut ke pasar beli bayam, jamur, tempe, pepaya muda sama jajanan pasar.. capeek banget rasanya kaki, tapi seneng sih ada kegiatan di pagi hari.. berasa emak emak jalannya ke pasar mulu.
Setibanya di kost, langsung aku masak bayam ama tempe yang aku beli tadi.. soalnya aku udah kelaparan banget.. terus aku makan deh dengan lahapnya.. masak sendiri emang lebih nikmat, lebih higienis, lebih sesuai selera..
Naah pas sore nih,, aku kelaperan lagi dan pengen banget masak sayur pepaya muda ama jamur.. langsung deh aku lari marathon ke dapur.. sampai di dapur aku nyari nyari mana sayur aku,, eeeh sayur aku gak ada dimana mana.. aku nyari ke meja makan, gak ada.. nyari ke dalam kulkas, gak ada juga.. sampai sampai aku nyari ke tong sampah (kemungkinan gak sengaja kebuang) aku bongkar bongkar, udah berasa pemulung,, eh ternyata sayur aku gak ada juga :( yaaah jadinya gak jadi makan sayur pepaya deh.. padahal aku udah ngidam banget.. :( sekarang aku lagi nunggu makanan pesenan aku datang.. akhirnya aku beli makanan diluar deh,, gak jadi masak sore ini.. :O
Thursday, May 17, 2012
My life doesn't seem so bad
Finally MONEV was over yesterday.. now i just praying and hoping we'll move forward to PIMNAS (wish me luck).. here my pictures with Mr. Anam and my research group..
After Monev I went with my friends to ate.. here some pictures of us.. their name are Rara with green shirt, Sefthy with black shirt and Yayang with white shirt.. they're my boarding house friends..
And after ate I went to my doctor to control and I loss 3 kg of my weight this month.. oh God.. :O
Finally now my life doesnt seem so bad.. :) Now I enjoying my life.. :)
After Monev I went with my friends to ate.. here some pictures of us.. their name are Rara with green shirt, Sefthy with black shirt and Yayang with white shirt.. they're my boarding house friends..
And after ate I went to my doctor to control and I loss 3 kg of my weight this month.. oh God.. :O
Finally now my life doesnt seem so bad.. :) Now I enjoying my life.. :)
my life
Tembalang 1, Semarang, Indonesia
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Papaya pa papaya..
Saturday night always make me feel bored, why? because i do nothing at saturday night. I dont hangout with my friends and i really not in the mood to finish my journal.. so i just lying on my bed and keep online..
This morning, I visited my lecture house to shared about my research result.. in there I and my research group studied presentation before MONEV at 15th May (wish me luck ) My lecture name is Mr. Anam.. I've already talk about him in my previous post.. When I visited his house he seems so friendly. Suddenly I remembered my Mom,, she just like Mr. Anam, the way my mother talk, act, just like him.. at his house Mr. Anam give me PAPAYA because it is his favourite fruit..and so did my Mom, she often gave me PAPAYA at noon, to cooled body and smoothen pup.. :) I ate that papaya and at the same time I sing PAPAYA song..
I dont know why I feel comfortable at Mr.Anam house, maybe because he remembered me to my mother.. and anyway my Mother and Mr.Anam have the same ethnic.. Mr. Anam is Madura and so do my mom.. My grandmother from my mom is Madura.. Maybe because they have the same ethnic so they have the same behavior.. well i dont know exactly what the reason is.. But the most important thing now is.. I miss my mom.. :)
After visited Mr. Anam house I went with i (my friend) to ate some food.. we eat together until we overly full.. then I went to the cashier to paid.. when i want to paid,, she screamed that she didnt brought her wallet.. Damn!! I didnt have money anymore in my wallet.. so I collect my coins to paid her food -____-" the terrible thing was my coins cant cover the cost of her food.. Luckyly we meet our senior at campus so we borrow his money to covered the cost of food..
Now.. at saturday night as before I lying in front of my laptop.. online and listening music.. Every saturday night men or boys come and go like season to me then they ask " where you gonna go tonight?" "ooh you wont spent your night with your boyfriend? " "do you have boyfriend?".. -___-" but I enjoy my activities.. :) i'm happy alltough i dont have boyfriend.. (frankly, i try to feel happy)
This morning, I visited my lecture house to shared about my research result.. in there I and my research group studied presentation before MONEV at 15th May (wish me luck ) My lecture name is Mr. Anam.. I've already talk about him in my previous post.. When I visited his house he seems so friendly. Suddenly I remembered my Mom,, she just like Mr. Anam, the way my mother talk, act, just like him.. at his house Mr. Anam give me PAPAYA because it is his favourite fruit..and so did my Mom, she often gave me PAPAYA at noon, to cooled body and smoothen pup.. :) I ate that papaya and at the same time I sing PAPAYA song..
After visited Mr. Anam house I went with i (my friend) to ate some food.. we eat together until we overly full.. then I went to the cashier to paid.. when i want to paid,, she screamed that she didnt brought her wallet.. Damn!! I didnt have money anymore in my wallet.. so I collect my coins to paid her food -____-" the terrible thing was my coins cant cover the cost of her food.. Luckyly we meet our senior at campus so we borrow his money to covered the cost of food..
Now.. at saturday night as before I lying in front of my laptop.. online and listening music.. Every saturday night men or boys come and go like season to me then they ask " where you gonna go tonight?" "ooh you wont spent your night with your boyfriend? " "do you have boyfriend?".. -___-" but I enjoy my activities.. :) i'm happy alltough i dont have boyfriend.. (frankly, i try to feel happy)
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