Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Beautiful Day

Graduation day is the day that I'm waiting for long time and a month ago finally I have my graduation day.. :D Preparation before that day came was so hectic.. start from bought the kebaya cloth, looking for the tailor, kebaya fitting, bought a lot of accesories, looking for makeup agent and photographer, prepared ticket for parents and my brother and also help my mother prepared for the family's dresscode.. 
And on that day I was so happy, my make up just perfect as I wish, my kebaya looked preety altough little bit full of motif, but it's ok.. I also brought my friends who become my photographer on that day, and big thanks to them for capture every single unforgetable moment of my life.. so these are my photos.. :D

He is Mr. Ngadiwiyana, my lecturer who helped me a lot to finished my research.. He always gave me support, advice and the most valuable experience. I've been known him well for 4 years until now.. 

And this is my family, my cheerfull father, beautiful mother and little brother who's bigger than me, they looked very happy :D

I also have some photos with my lovely friend. they are my friends at boarding house we called it Nenek's House.. I love them all cause they are kind, always helping each other and always understanding.. hihihi

And these are my photos with my college friends.. they are who was supported and helped me for 4 years until I got my bachelor degree :D

And these are photos of me and my best friends.. Their name are Irine and Arief.. Irine is my best friends since second semester, she is always went anywhere with me, bought something couple with me, studied together, took englisgh course together, but unfurtonately we didn't celebrated graduation day on the same day :( .. Arief is my best friend since KKN, he always helped me whenever I need him, he is a kind man and full of responsibility, he also smart and always make me smile by his attitude.. :)

Finally I wanna say thanks to 2 guys who become my photographer.. Their name is Argo and Danang..

 He is Argo.. He is now studied at Faculty of Arts and Humanities. He is very supel and cheerfull :D

And he is Danang. He studied at Faculty of Arts and Humanities too, but different Department with Argo.. He is love to entertain the others.. :D

hehehe they looked tired on that day.. but thank you guys, great job! :D Oh I almost forget, FYI they are profesional photographer and ready to call and capture your best moment whenever you need.. for further information about them you can visit their pages on :D 

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